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Heys match abandoned as Dylan Fitzgerald suffers serious leg injury

Heys match abandoned as Dylan Fitzgerald suffers serious leg injury

STEPHEN HOWARD19 Oct - 19:35
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Heys game at Pilkington today was abandoned after Dylan Fitzgerald suffered serious leg injuries.

With half time approaching Dylan was challenging for the ball with two opposing players before going down and clearly showing he was in great distress.

The match never restarted given the need for on field medical treatment and in time extra support from NHS staff.

It transpires Dylan has snapped ligaments to his ankle & broke his fib. He was hoping for an operation on Saturday night and is now out of pain thankfully.

We like to thank our own Medical & Management staff for their work supported by the Officials, Team Management & Physio of Pilkington & the Match Referee and thank them all too for that support.

Get Well Soon Dylan!

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